
02. April 2024
Guillaume leaves the group to become an assistant professor at IMT Atlantique, France.

05. March 2024
New paper published in Springer Journal of Scheduling: A scheduling framework for distributed key-value stores and its application to tail latency minimization, in collaboration with ENS Lyon, CNRS, and University of Franche-Comté (FR).

07. February 2024
Etienne elected as the new chair of the GRASCOMP doctoral school, funded by FNRS.

01. November 2023
Carole, Donatien, and Yinan will present their ongoing Ph.D. work at the Middleware 2023 conference doctoral symposium in Bologna, Italy.

22. October 2023
Etienne participates to the Dagstuhl seminar on Edge-AI: Identifying Key Enablers in Edge Intelligence.

31. July 2023
Matthieu’s paper accepted at BRAINS 2023: ‘Exploring Locality in Ethereum Transactions’, in collaboration with City, University of London (UK).

31. July 2023
Etienne participates to the Lorentz center workshop on Future Computing for Digital Infrastructures.

26. June 2023
Paper accepted at NDSS 2024: ‘Content Censorship in the InterPlanetary File System’, in collaboration with Stanford U., Lancaster U., University College London, Protocol Labs, and City, University of London.

23. June 2023
Adrien and Maxime defend their Masters’ thesis ‘RDMA-powered proxy communication’.

23. June 2023
Brandon and Mathieu defend their Masters’ thesis ‘A social network around the elderly in home care scenarios’.

23. June 2023
Stanislas defends his Masters’ thesis ‘The democratic smart home’.

16. June 2023
Paper accepted at ICPP 2023: ‘Hector: A Framework to Design and Evaluate Scheduling Strategies in Persistent Key-Value Stores’, in collaboration with ENS Lyon and University of Franche-Comté (FR).

03. April 2023
Colin Evrard joins the group as a PhD student on the CyberExcellence project. Welcome Colin!

10. February 2023
Visit of Alexandre Da Silva Veith (Nokia/Bell Labs) to the group, with a seminar on ‘Computation and Storage Systems for the Edge’.

13. December 2022
The group organizes the OPODIS 2022 conference in Brussels.

01. October 2022
Carole Djeumo Noucti joins the group as a PhD student on the RAINDROP project. Welcome Carole!

01. October 2022
Project RAINDROP on the Cross-stack Adaptation for the Edgification of Microservices Applications starts for a duration of 4 years. This is a collaboration with the University of Namur (BE).

15. September 2022
Etienne will co-chair the technical program committee of the ACM DEBS 2023 conference.

30. Aug 2022
New paper available in Engineering Reports journal: ‘Machine-as-a-Service: Blockchain-based management and maintenance of industrial appliances’, in collaboration with Codit (BE).

5. Jul 2022
Hugo and Sophie’s paper accepted at SERENE 2022: ‘AuditTrust: Blockchain-based Audit Trail for Sharing Data in a Distributed Environment’.

24. June 2022
Nicolas defend his Masters’ thesis ‘Role-based access control for OpenHAB’.

24. June 2022
Hugo and Sophie defend their Masters’ thesis ‘AuditTrust: Blockchain-based Audit Trail for Sharing Data in a Distributed Environment’.

24. June 2022
François and Sébastien defend their Masters’ thesis on the security of IPFS.

24. June 2022
Colin and Julien defend their Masters’ thesis ‘Anomaly detection at the edge: a federated learning approach’.

23. Jun 2022
Paper accepted at EDCC 2022: ‘C2B2: a Cloud-native Chaos Benchmarking suite for the Hyperledger Fabric Blockchain’.

06. Jun 2022
The group will organize OPODIS 2022 in Brussels on December 13-15!

02. May 2022
Igor’s paper accepted at PETS 2022: ‘SoK: Privacy-enhancing Smart Home Hubs’, in collaboration with Sirris (BE).

19. April 2022
Paper accepted in the Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction: ‘Engineering the Transition of Interactive Collaborative Software from Cloud Computing to Edge Computing’.

04. April 2022
Matthieu’s paper accepted at ICDCS 2022: ‘RAPTEE: Leveraging trusted execution environments for byzantine-tolerant peer sampling services’, in collaboration with University of Bordeaux and Inria (FR).

23. February 2022
Paper accepted at NSDI 2022: ‘Donar: Anonymous VoIP over Tor’, in collaboration with University of Rennes and Inria (FR).

21. October 2021
Paper accepted at SAFELIFE 2021 workshop: ‘Smart Home Care: Towards Supporting Elderlies in the Comfort and Safety of their (Smart) Homes’, in collaboration with Sirris (BE).

30. September 2021
Etienne will present Shard Scheduler to the first RedChainLab workshop organized by iExec and CNRS in Lyon on October 7.

29. September 2021
Two presentations accepted for the Consensus Day 2021 organized by Protocol Labs, on Shard Scheduler (AFT 2021) and topic-based discovery for the next-generation Ethereum network.

15. September 2021
Matthieu Pigaglio joins the group as a PhD student and TA, working on sharding in blockchains. Welcome Matthieu!

10. September 2021
Igor successfully defended his PhD thesis on ‘Building Private-by-Design IoT Systems’. Congratulations Dr. Zavalyshyn!

01. September 2021
Donatien Schmitz joins the group as a PhD student on the GEPICIAD project. Welcome Donatien!

9. August 2021
Paper accepted at ACM AFT 2021: ‘Shard Scheduler: object placement and migration in sharded, account-based blockchains’, in collaboration with City, University of London, University College London, Facebook Novi and Lazyledger (UK).

26. July 2021
Paper accepted at the Ubicomp 2021 workshop on mental health, sensing and intervention: ‘Controlling Security Rules Using Natural Dialogue: an Application to Smart Home Care’.

20. July 2021
Guillaume’s paper ‘Active replication for latency-sensitive stream processing in Apache Flink’ accepted at SRDS 2021 (2/2). This is a collaboration with TU Dresden (Germany)

20. July 2021
Igor’s paper ‘Chaos Duck: a Tool for Automatic IoT Software Fault-Tolerance Analysis’ accepted at SRDS 2021 (1/2).

14. July 2021
Michał presents EL PASSO, our protocol for efficient privacy-preserving single-sign-on at the online PETS conference. Video is available here.

24. June 2021
Stanley and Donatien defend their Masters’ thesis ‘Controlling security rules using natural dialogue: An application to smart home care’.

23. June 2021
Samir and Edgar defend their Masters’ thesis on ErasMail, an open source tool to raise citizens’ awareness and allow them to act on the environmental footprint of storing emails in the cloud’.

23. June 2021
Guillaume defend his Masters’ thesis ‘Leveraging edge proximity and diversity in interactive stateful applications’.

23. June 2021
Alexandre and Maxime defend their Masters’ thesis ‘DAVE: Deterministic, Adaptive, Verifiable and Efficient transaction placement for sharded UTXO blockchains’.

28. April 2021
Paper accepted at Euro-Par 2021: ‘Taming Tail Latency in Key-Value Stores: a Scheduling Perspective’, in collaboration with CNRS, ENS Lyon, and Inria (FR).

10. March 2021
Guillaume’s paper ‘A methodology for tenant migration in legacy shared-table multi-tenant applications’ has been accepted for publication in DAIS 2021. This is a collaboration with LORIA/Inria (France).

21. March 2021
The Walloon region will fund a new 4-year project named GEPICIAD on the elastic and predictive management of big data, data science and machine learning infrastructures, with the support of Euranova.

10. March 2021
Guillaume’s paper ‘PProx: Efficient Privacy for Recommendation-as-a-Service’ has been accepted for publication in Middleware 2021. This is a collaboration with University of Bordeaux and CNRS (France).

15. February 2021
Clay Palmeira Da Silva joins the group as a post-doctoral research associate on the DAPOCA project. Welcome Clay!

15. January 2021
Igor Zavalyshyn joins the group as a research associate on the Smart and Social Home Care project. Welcome Igor!

15. January 2021
New research project funded by Innoviris, in cooperation with company EDI, research lab SIRRIS, and sociologists from UCLouvain on Smart and Social Home Care to keep elderlies safe and sound in their smart homes while protecting their privacy.

22. December 2020
The group and a consortium of partner universities secure funding from FNRS to bootstrap a new federated experimental infrastructures in Wallonia and Brussels for experimental systems and networks research.

01. November 2020
Paper accepted at PETS 2021: ‘EL PASSO: Efficient and Lightweight Privacy-preserving Single Sign On’, in collaboration with University of California Los Angeles (USA), City, University of London, and University College London (UK).

06. October 2020
Guillaume’s paper ‘Understanding the performance of container execution environments’ has been accepted at the WoC 2020 workshop.

01. October 2020
We hire! A post-doctoral research position on high-assurance cloud applications in geographically distributed infrastructures is available in the group.

21. September 2020
Paper accepted at Middleware 2020 (2/2): ‘PASTRAMI: Privacy-preserving, Auditable, Scalable & Trustworthy Auctions for Multiple Items’, in collaboration with City, University of London and University College London (UK).

21. September 2020
Paper accepted at Middleware 2020 (1/2): ‘Practical Active Revocation’, in collaboration with Scille and University of Bordeaux (FR).

17. September 2020
Raziel’s paper ‘Reactive Overlays for Adaptive Routing in Mobile Ad hoc Networks’ has been accepted at DivaNet 2020.

28. August 2020
Maxime defends his Masters’ thesis ‘Temporary infrastructures and Ad-Hoc networking for mars explorers’.

01. August 2020
Michał leaves the group to become a lecturer at City, University of London.

26. June 2020
Laurent defends his Masters’ thesis ‘Building a secure and auditable Personal Cloud’.

25. June 2020
Nicolas defends his Masters’ thesis on extending a cluster management application for HPC center CISM.

24. June 2020
Adrien defends his Masters’ thesis ‘Scalable and extensible social networks’.

17. June 2020
Vikas’s work on TailX receives the best paper award at the DAIS 2020 conference! Congratulations Vikas!

1. June 2020
Michał and Etienne receive funding from the Ethereum foundation to work on strengthening service discovery in the Ethereum blockchain platform.

29. April 2020
Paolo’s paper ‘NetSheriff: Sheltering Software-Defined Networks from Rogue Switches’ has been accepted for publication in NETYS 2020. This is a collaboration with INESC-ID and IST, Portugal.

16. April 2020
Preprint of our upcoming ICDCS 2020 paper ‘Fair and Efficient Gossip in Hyperledger Fabric’ is available on arXiv!

14. April 2020
Check our new research report on PASTRAMI, our approach to privacy-preserving and auditable multi-item auctions for decentralized cloud systems (Collaboration with University College London).

13. March 2020
Vikas’s paper ‘TailX: Scheduling Heterogeneous Multiget Queries to Improve Tail Latencies in Key-Value Stores’ has been accepted for publication in DAIS 2020. This is a collaboration with CNRS, France.

12. March 2020
Nicolae’s paper ‘Fair and Efficient Gossip in Hyperledger Fabric’ has been accepted for publication in ICDCS 2020. This is a collaboration with UAIC, Romania and UniNE, Switzerland.

28. February 2020
Check our new research report on EL PASSO, a novel single-sign-on system supporting privacy and accountability of users (Collaboration with UCLA and University College London).

18. February 2020
Dr Viet Hoang Tran joins the group as a post-doctoral research associate. Welcome Hoang!

29. January 2020
We are organizing a workshop in Brussels on high-impact computer systems research, in collaboration with Grascomp and EuroSys. Program is online!

19. December 2019
Genc, former intern in the group, successfully defended his PhD at University of Rennes. Congratulations Dr. Tato!

1. December 2019
Dr Ayham Kassab joins the group as a post-doctoral research associate. Welcome Ayham!

27. October 2019
Genc’s paper ‘Split and migrate: Resource-driven placement and discovery of microservices at the edge’ accepted at OPODIS 2019 next December.

03. October 2019
Raziel presents his work on Emergent Overlays at the SRDS 2019 conference in Lyon, France.

19. September 2019
Paper accepted at Middleware 2019: ‘PrivaTube: Privacy-Preserving Edge-Assisted Video Streaming’, in collaboration with CNRS, University of Bordeaux and Scille (FR).

26. July 2019
Our ICSOFT 2019 paper ‘From Confidential kNN Queries to Confidential Content-Based Publish/Subscribe’ receives the Best Position Paper Award!

25. July 2019
Michał’s two papers accepted at ACM ICN 2019 next September: ‘Compute First Networking: Distributed Computing meets ICN’ and ‘Towards Peer-to-Peer Content Retrieval Markets: Enhancing IPFS with ICN’ (both with University College London).

01. July 2019
Anthony Dugois from ENS Lyon, France hosted by the group as a visiting student for one month, working on query scheduling in key-value stores. Welcome Anthony!

24. June 2019
Raziel’s paper ‘Emergent Overlays for Adaptive MANET Broadcast’ accepted at SRDS 2019 next October.

21. June 2019
Samuel and Rémy defend their joint Masters thesis ‘Integrated platform for distributed systems training’.

21. June 2019
Gary defends his Masters thesis ‘A foundation for extensible and decentralized social networks’.

12. June 2019
Etienne invited to talk to the Open Source Innovation Spring workshop on Open Source for the Cloud in Paris, about callable objects over NoSQL data stores.

05. June 2019
Guillaume talks about ‘A Genetic Algorithm For Cost-aware Business Processes Execution in the Cloud’ and Michał talks about ‘Security and incentives of sharing economy systems using blockchain’ at the department seminar.

04. June 2019
Paper accepted at ISD 2019: ‘Trust and Privacy in Development of Publish/Subscribe Systems’, in collaboration with UAIC Iaşi (RO) and U. Neuchâtel (CH).

01. June 2019
Dr Michał Król joins the group as a post-doctoral research associate. Welcome Michał!

01. June 2019
Dr Guillaume Rosinosky joins the group as a post-doctoral research associate. Welcome Guillaume!

26. May 2019
Paper accepted at ICSOFT 2019: ‘From Confidential kNN Queries to Confidential Content-Based Publish/Subscribe’, in collaboration with UAIC Iaşi (RO) and U. Neuchâtel (CH).

09. May 2019
We hire! Two post-doctoral research positions on performance and fairness in Blockchain infrastructures are available in the group.

05. May 2019
Etienne will co-chair the Shadow Program Committee of the ACM EuroSys 2020 conference in Heraklion, Greece, on April 27-30 2020.

01. May 2019
We hire! Five doctoral assistant (research and teaching positions) are available at the Louvain School in Engineering in Computer Science, on topics including those of the group.

30. April 2019
Paolo presents his paper ‘Measurements as First-class Artifacts’ at IEEE INFOCOM 2019 in Paris

30. April 2019
Former team member Vikas Jaiman successfully defended his PhD thesis at University of Grenoble. Congratulations Vikas!

05. March 2019
Etienne will co-chair the Doctoral Workshop of the ACM/IFIP Middleware 2019 conference in UC Davis, CA, on December 9-13 2019.

04. February 2019
Fourth edition of the ASF/RSD Winter School in Le-Pleynet (FR)

13. December 2018
FNRS funds MIS research project DAPOCA: ‘Dynamic and Adaptive Placement and Orchestration of Cloud Applications’ for a duration of two years.

11. December 2018
Genc presents the results of his research internship in the group during the Middleware 2018 workshops: ‘ShareLatex on the Edge: Evaluation of the Hybrid Core/Edge Deployment of a Microservices-based Application’, collaboration with U. Rennes (FR)

30. November 2018
Paolo’s paper was accepted at INFOCOM 2019 next April.

07. November 2018
Vikas gives a talk at the ICTEAM/INGI Seminar: ‘Héron: Taming Tail Latencies in Key-Value Stores under Heterogeneous Workloads’

07. November 2018
Paolo gives a talk at the ICTEAM/INGI Seminar: ‘Measurements As First-class Artifacts’

05. November 2018
Quentin Dufour from University of Rennes (FR) visits the group for a one-month research internship. Welcome Quentin!

01. November 2018
Paolo Laffranchini, PhD student in the Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctorate in Distributed Computing, joins the group from IST, Portugal. Welcome to Paolo!

03. October 2018
Vikas presents his work ‘Héron: Taming Tail Latencies in Key-Value Stores under Heterogeneous Workloads’ at SRDS 2018 in Brazil.

01. October 2018
Genc’s paper was accepted at MECC 2018 next December.

17. September 2018
Alex Buzdugan from UAIC (RO) visits the group for a three-week research internship. Welcome Alex!

10-14. September 2018
Vikas and Etienne are involved in the organization of the EDCC 2018 conference in Iaşi, Romania.

30. July 2018
Raziel is visiting Dr Elkhatib at the University of Lancaster for a research internship.

09-13. July 2018
Group members participate to the final summer school of the EBSIS H2020 project in Villars-sur-Ollon, Switzerland.

04. July 2018
Etienne finishes his second term as chair of ACM SIGOPS France and hands over the responsibility to Sonia Ben Mokhtar. Thanks to ASF for all that has been accomplished in these two terms.

22. June 2018
Two papers accepted at SRDS 2018: Vikas’s paper ‘Héron: Taming Tail Latencies in Key-Value Stores under Heterogeneous Workloads’, in collaboration with INSA Lyon, CNRS, U. Grenoble (FR) and IBM Research (CH) and ‘Mind the Gap: Autonomous Detection of Partitioned MANET Systems using Opportunistic Aggregation’, in collaboration with U. Rennes (FR) and UniNE (CH).

18-20. June 2018
DAIS 2018 conference co-chaired by Etienne in Madrid, Spain.

21. May 2018
The annual (and final) meeting of the CHIST-ERA project DIONASYS is organized by the group in beautiful Saint-Jacut de la Mer in western Bretagne, France.

08. May 2018
Etienne gives lecture about blockchain and seminar on cloud programming at UAIC in Romania, in the context of the EBSIS H2020 project.

16. April 2018
The group is happy to host a joint seminar with a team of representatives from UAIC, Romania, in the context of the EBSIS H2020 project.

11. April 2018
Etienne and Raziel represent the DIONASYS project at the CHIST-ERA meeting in Paris.

01. April 2018
Vikas Jaiman joins the group from University of Grenoble, France. Welcome Vikas!

20. March 2018
Third edition of the ASF/RSD Winter School in Le-Pleynet (FR)

21. February 2018
Invited professor Sonia Ben Mokhtar from CNRS and INSA Lyon gives a talk at the ICTEAM/INGI Seminar: ‘Tell Me How You Move, I Will Tell You Who You Are: Latest Advances in Location Privacy Protection Mechanisms’

05. January 2018
Sonia Ben Mokhtar from CNRS and INSA Lyon, France, visits the group for two week as an invited professor. Welcome Sonia!

14. December 2017
Etienne presents paper Reliable messaging to millions of users with MigratoryData, result from industrial collaboration with MigratoryData and UAIC, Romania.

01. November 2017
Genc Tato, PhD student from University of Rennes (FR) is joining the group for a research visit of six months. Welcome Genc!

04. October 2017
Raziel gives a talk at the ICTEAM/INGI Seminar: ‘Towards autonomous adaptation for broadcasting algorithms in MANETs’

04. October 2017
Etienne gives a talk at the ICTEAM/INGI Seminar: ‘Easy and scalable Cloud programming and the example of CRESON’

29. September 2017
Etienne is co-chairing the program committee of the DAIS 2018 conference together with Silvia Bonomi from University of Rome.

05. September 2017
Position paper presented at EDCC 2017 in Geneva: SAFETHINGS: Data Security by Design in the IoT, collaboration with UniNE (CH), INESC & U. Lisbon (PT), CNRS (FR), U. Patras (GR)

01. September 2017
Etienne Rivière and Raziel Carvajal-Gómez join UCLouvain, lab is established.