We are often looking for new PhD students, Postdocs, and Master students to join the team (see openings) !
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April to December 2018
Role: Researcher, involved in the EBSIS H2020 and DIONASYS projects. Research on performance in key value stores under heterogeneous workloads. Now a research scientist at Lisk | Lightcurve, Berlin, Germany.
December 2019 to November 2021
Role: Post-doctoral researcher, involved in the FairBCaaS project.
June 2019 to July 2020
Role: Post-doctoral researcher. Now a senior lecturer at City, University of London, UK.
June 2019 to December 2023
Role: Post-doctoral researcher. Now an associate professor in the STACK team at IMT Atlantique, France.
March 2021 to December 2021
Role: Post-doctoral researcher
February 2020 to November 2021
Role: Post-doctoral researcher, involved in the FairBCaaS project. Now at Nokia, Belgium.
January 2021 to January 2023
Role: Post-doctoral researcher, involved in the SSHC project. Now at Centrica, Belgium.
Master student, ‘High-availability HPC clusters based on Kubernetes’
Master student, ‘Heterogeneous Rack-Scale Computing’
Master student, ‘Adaptive large-scale overlays using Gossip-based construction’
Master student, ‘Optimizing stream processing engines placement’ (temporary title)
Master student, ‘Trusted blockchain miners’
Master student, ‘Live migrations algorithms for NoSQL databases’
Master student, ‘Content-based routing for event-sourced applications in multi-site deployments’
Master students (2023), ‘Data leaks and suspicious behavior detection in smart home using Taint Analysis‘
Master students (2023), ‘A social network around the elderly in home care scenarios‘
Master students (2023), ‘RDMA-powered proxy communication‘
Master student (2023), ‘The democratic smart home‘
Master students (2022), ‘Anomaly detection on edge, A federated learning approach’ (in collaboration with Dr. Sarah Klein, SIRRIS, Brussels)
Master student (2022), ‘Access control in the OpenHAB smart home environment‘
Master students (2022), ‘An Eclipse attack on content availability in IPFS, a large-scale decentralized storage service’ (in collaboration with Dr. Michał Król, City, University of London, UK) - document under embargo
Master students (2022), ‘AuditTrust, Blockchain-Based Audit Trail for Sharing Data in a Distributed Environment’ (in collaboration with Dr. Annanda Rath, SIRRIS, Brussels) - paper published at SERENE 2022.
Master student (2021), ‘High performance computing for simulation of proton therapy treatments’
Master students (2021), ‘Controlling security rules using natural dialogue, An application to smart home care’ - paper published at UbiComp-ISWC 2021
Master student (2021), ‘ErasMail, un outil open source pour aider les citoyens à évaluer et à réduire l’impact environnemental de leurs courriers électroniques dans le cloud’ -
Master student (2021), ‘Leveraging edge proximity and diversity in interactive stateful applications’ - paper published in ACM Proceedings on Human-Computer Interaction, 2022.
Master student (2021), ‘DAVE, Deterministic, Adaptive, Verifiable and Efficient transaction placement for sharded UTXO blockchains‘
Master student (2020), ‘Predicting records size with neural networks in key-value stores under heterogeneous multiget workloads‘
Master student (2020), ‘Temporary infrastructures and Ah-Hoc networking for Mars explorers’, in collaboration with the UCL to Mars project.
Master students (2020), ‘Adding new features to an account management web application at CISM’
Master student (2020), ‘Scalable and extensible social networks‘
Master student (2020), ‘A Secure and Auditable Dropbox using Intel SGX‘
Master student (2019), ‘A foundation for extensible and decentralized social networks‘
Master students (2019), ‘Integrated platform for distributed systems training‘
Master students (2019), ‘Supporting the portability of profiles using the blockchain in the Mastodon social network’
Master students (2018), ‘Development of a cross-platform mobile application using cloud computing‘
Master students (2018), ‘Parallelization of a hydrogeology simulation tool‘