The Cloud and Large Scale computing group at UCLouvain, Belgium is led by Prof Etienne Rivière. It belongs to the ICTEAM research institute and the Louvain School of Engineering (EPL). The group was established in October 2017.
We are hiring! Check our open post-doc position
The group research interests are in building, deploying and evaluating innovative computer systems. We work to improve the scalability, performance, security, and ease of programming of large-scale and distributed cloud environments, blockchain infrastructures, programmable networks, and mobile systems.
Check the research section of this website for more details and a list of our publications.
The group offers the following courses (some in collaboration with other EPL members):
You can learn more about our research and publications, the group members and our individual activities using the menu.
We are often looking for passionate new PhD students, Postdocs, and Master students to join the team (more info)
The group acknowledges the support and funding from UCLouvain, the Belgian FNRS, the Brussels-Capital Region Innoviris, Wallonia’s SPW, the CHIST-ERA ERA-NET programme, and the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 (H2020) programme.
Guillaume leaves the group to become an assistant professor at IMT Atlantique, France.
05. March 2024New paper published in Springer Journal of Scheduling: A scheduling framework for distributed key-value stores and its application to tail latency minimization, in collaboration with ENS Lyon, CNRS, and University of Franche-Comté (FR).
07. February 2024Etienne elected as the new chair of the GRASCOMP doctoral school, funded by FNRS.
01. November 2023Carole, Donatien, and Yinan will present their ongoing Ph.D. work at the Middleware 2023 conference doctoral symposium in Bologna, Italy.
22. October 2023Etienne participates to the Dagstuhl seminar on Edge-AI: Identifying Key Enablers in Edge Intelligence.
31. July 2023Matthieu's paper accepted at BRAINS 2023: 'Exploring Locality in Ethereum Transactions', in collaboration with City, University of London (UK).
31. July 2023Etienne participates to the Lorentz center workshop on Future Computing for Digital Infrastructures.
26. June 2023Paper accepted at NDSS 2024: 'Content Censorship in the InterPlanetary File System', in collaboration with Stanford U., Lancaster U., University College London, Protocol Labs, and City, University of London.
23. June 2023Adrien and Maxime defend their Masters' thesis 'RDMA-powered proxy communication'.